This article will bring you to the list of 9-3 part time jobs for mom with kids in school. Insider Monkey has recently published an interesting article about it giving you some advice. All us know how important to be with our kids when they are young. But at the same time we must admit we need money as well, if we want to ensure our children’s present and future as well. Now here is a great compilation with which you can pick up a job where you can fulfill both of your demands: being with your children when they need you, and get some extra salary
Now without a further ado let’s see what Insider Monkey has investigated for us. We have picked three 9-3 part time jobs for mom with kids in school from their list.
The first one is to become a Travel Agent. As a travel agent that’s next on our list of 9-3 part time jobs for moms with kids in school, you don’t have to have a fixed schedule so you can work when you are free that is when you kids are at school. Your salary will depend on the number of deals you close, so the more you work, the better the salary. Your job is to help people plan their trips, arrange accommodation and advise them on the best places to go. The second idea on our short list now is to be a Hairdresser. It seems as this field will always be successful since no matter what, we all need hairdressers that rank 7th on our list of 9-3 part time jobs for moms with kids in school. What is great about this job is that you can work part-time at a salon or you can work from home and be completely free to set your own schedule and work whenever you want. You can work as much or as little as you wish and still have enough time for taking care of your kids after school. At last, but not least we are mentioning the job of a Customer Service Agent. Customer service agents mainly answer phone calls and communicate with clients via e-mail or chat. Answering any questions that clients have regarding your product or service is part of the job. Being good at problem-solving is very useful if you want to be a customer service agent and you must be knowledgeable about the products or services you offer.
For any further useful information, read Insider Monkey’s article about 10 9-3 part time jobs for mom with kids in school.