As the world economy has decreased lately, you may have wondered how pandemic has influenced the economy, therefore we have thought to bring you an arresting article about the 10 largest stock exchanges in the world. Insider MOnkey have made a great research work or us as usual, so you don’t need to spend hours with surfing on the net and gathering data – you can find all of the largest stock exchanges in only one article! As for me, the inscrutable world of stock exchanges and shares were always very far from me, but I really enjoyed learning this article.
It’s very important nowadays that everybody should know more or less about exchanges, and the world economy, as we will have to face with the second wave of the pandemic, and its impact will be unpredictable. I think you will find familiar most of these exchanges, however this list is just a whort version of Insider Monkey’s article.
And now, let’s have a look at the 10 largest stock exchanges in the world.
10. The Bombay Stock Exchange
Market Cap: $2.19 trillion
It was in 1875, and also was the first one in Asia. It has the most listed companies.
9. The TSX ( Toronto Stock Exchange)
Market Cap; $3 trillion
It’s foundation is back to 1852, it’s one of the most popular exchanges across the globe. There are 2,207 companies listed on it.
8. The Shenzhen Stock Exchange
Market Cap: $3.28 trillion
It was established in 1990, and now it has more than 2,000 companies listed, and more than half of them are Chinese.7. The Hong Kong Stock Exchang
It was established in 1891, and currently there are more than 2,315 companies listed on it, such as PetroChina, HSBC Holdings and AIA etc.
6. The LSE (London Stock Exchange)
Market Cap: $4.59 trillion
Similar to Tokyo exchange, it’s also one of the top cosmopplitan exchanges in the world. It was established in 1698, and now it’s owned by the London Stock Exchange Group. There are more than 3,000 listed companies currently.
5. The Euronext Stock Exchange
Market Cap; $4.82 trillion
We are half way on our list of the 10 largest stock exchanges in the world. Originally Amsterdam-based exchange was the first exchange in the entire world. It operates in Belgium, Ireland, Portugal and France. There are more than 1,300 companies listed here.
4. The Shanghai Stock Exchange
Market Cap; $4.9 trillion
Presently, it is the largest stock exchange in Asia, it was founded in 1866. It has two diferent shares types, A and B. Shares “A” trades in the Chinese Yuan currency while Shares “B” trades in United States Dollars.
3. The Tokyo Exchange
Market Cap: $5.1 trillion
Similar to the London Stock Exchange, it is one of the largest cosmopolitan exchanges in the world. It was founded in 1878, and there are more than 2,800 companies listed there, such as Honda, Toyota, and Sony.
2. The NASDAQ Stock Exchange
Market Cap; $10 trillion
It was established in only 1971, but it soon became one of the largest stock exchanges across the world. It’s the center of tech companies, and among them we can see Microsoft, Apple and Facebook.
1. The NYSE (New York Stock Exchange)
Market Cap: $28.5 trillion
New York Stock Exchange has got the forst spot on our list of the 10 largest stock exchanges in the world. It was the first exchange to be established in the United States, as it was launched in 1792, and after World War I, it became the largest stock exchange throughout the whole world.