11 Most Profitable Kindle Niches and Categories

Ready to publish your first ebook? Here are 11 most profitable kindle niches and categories for you!

Nowadays everyone is a writer but not everyone gets to publish a book. All publishers are looking for something new and interesting and, even if your book has the predispositions to become the bestseller, publishers have the initial word. If they decide that you are out, you are out. So can you imagine how many talented people wasted their gift because they were rejected by those ’specialists’ or were too afraid to send their work? Don’t hold your breath because I don’t have a number, but both you and I know that the number is high.


Pixabay/Public Domain

Someone would say that, if those people really believed in their work, they would find assets and publish that book by themselves. But does anyone think how much money needs to be invested in publishing? You should pay for a designer for covers. After that comes printing. Of course, you can’t print 10 sample and expect for someone to buy it. The only people who would are going to be your family/friends who want to help you out, but let’s be real, you should give them as a gift. In order to get the audience, first, you need to find a bookstore that would buy your copies. And, of course, that can’t be only one bookstore. First of all, no one would buy a book that none of the other stores are owning. Second of all, you will be limited to the number of buyers. There is no guarantee that at least 5 of your books would be sold in one store. But if 50 books are sold in several bookstores, it is a lot acceptable.
But, before you start printing, there is another issue. You have to be careful that no one takes your story and present it as theirs. So, there are lawyers and taxes and signatures to be paid. And, of course, advertisers. Does it really pay off to do it by yourself?

Besides, we live in the world of technology and, although many people still enjoy the smell of the new book, the majority of them prefer having books in their laptops or tablets since they are always in their bags, it is a wider choice, and takes away less space.

The next question is: how to publish an ebook? If you ask me, these are 11 most profitable Kindle niches and categories to turn to.

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