What are the easiest jobs to get right out of college? Keep reading Insider Monkey’s article and you will get great ideas. The hard work invested in studying and partying during college (you alone will know the exact ratio of these two), the time has come for all the toil to pay off finally. We’d say the best job for the fresh graduate is the one that requires no previous experience whatsoever. After all, how are you to gain any experience if you don’t work anywhere? Luckily for you, some of these jobs are in such constant need of new employees they’ll take you on as soon as you take off your graduation robes!
Now without a further ado let’s see what Insider Monkey has investigated for us. We have picked three of the easiest jobs to get right out of college from their list.
The first one is School Principal. Have you ever dreamed of being a school principal for a day when you were a kid? If you have graduated in Educational Administration and Supervision, you can finally apply for this position. Though it won’t be nearly as fun as it once appeared to be. Being a school principal isn’t all fun and games, but it’s comforting to know you’re in demand. The second job should be School District Superintendent. If you think being a school principal would be cool, how about becoming the person who is there to hire and fire school principals? That’s exactly what school district superintendents, who rank 9th on our list of easiest jobs to get right out of college, do. They’re the CEOs of the district. There are downsides, however. You have to work with interest groups in the district: teachers, students, parents, staff, advocates, and the community in general. Great managerial skills are required here. A school district superintendent decides on using the financial and human resources of the district in the best way possible. But when you look at the average yearly earnings, it could be said that everything pays off nicely. At last, but not least we are mentioning Secondary School Teacher. Another highly responsible and rewarding job on our list of 12 easiest jobs to get right out of college. This and the following two jobs belong to the “miscellaneous agriculture” major. As it appears, apart from being a farmer (which you can become without a degree), these jobs have high employment chances.
For any further useful information, read Insider Monkey’s article about 12 easiest jobs to get right out of college.