15 Best Books on Fundamental Analysis of Stocks

Which are the Best Books on Fundamental Analysis of Stocks? If you are an investor or want to know about stock analysis, reading a book about it is one of the best things you can do. The books have high-quality useful information about the stock market for those who are just starting out. Many of these books are authored by popular investors on the Wall Street which means the books will have great tips and genuine information. You do not need any degree for getting involved in the stock market. The stock market can provide you with a reasonable income but you will have to put in a lot more efforts than you might do for your salaried job along with the stress you will harbor as your money will be at stake.

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For stock analysis, you’ll need technical analysis and technical analysis. Technical analysis lets you find out the entry and exit for purchasing and selling stock. One will not need to know what the procedure is or how it works. Fundamental analysis is beneficial for long-term investors as it helps one identify the companies which provides a steady, though small, returns over a long period of time. Large asset management companies and hedge funds use fundamental analysis. For those who are starting out or those who have less capital can go for a combination of the both. Let’s move on to read the best books on fundamental analysis of stocks. These are not only the top in fundamental analysis theme but also in general. They are sorted according to their Goodreads rating. As a few books do not have reviews, it does not mean they do not offer a good insight into the field of stock analysis.

Security Analysis by Benjamin Graham and David Dodd, The Essays Of Warren Buffett: Lessons For Corporate America by Warren Buffett and Lawrence Cunningham, and Stock Market Wizards – Interviews with America’s Top Stock Pickers by Jack D. Schweiger are a few of the Best Books on Fundamental Analysis of Stocks. Security Analysis by Benjamin Graham and David Dodd has a Goodreads score of 4.30. The Essays Of Warren Buffett: Lessons For Corporate America by Warren Buffett and Lawrence Cunningham has a Goodreads score of 4.35 while Stock Market Wizards – Interviews with America’s Top Stock Pickers by Jack D. Schweiger has a Goodreads score of 4.20. Read on to know more.

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