So what are the controversial debate topics for teenagers? You will get to know if you follow us to the compilation Insider Monkey has made us. It is very important that teenagers should learn the art of debate. Having an interesting, intelligent debate with others can fresh up our minds. There are lots of controversial topics for middle school students which can be discussed at school. Teenagers like to argue (everyone knows that who have at least one), so we should make a good use of it. Insider Monkey recently published an article in which we can find lots of interesting tips regarding to this topic.
The life the teenagers constantly change, as they suddenly grow up, they have to undertake responsibility they haven’t done before, they learn to drive for their driving license – an many other issues come up almost day by day in their lives. Meanwhile there are lots of interesting topics they really like to discuss and as I have experienced many times they can hassle very well! I like to chat with teenagers as I have studied a lot from them – yes, I have studied from them! I don’ feel embarrassing to admit this fact.
Now without a further ado let’s see what Insider Monkey has investigated for us. We have picked three controversial debate topics for teenagers from their list.
The first topic we are mentioning for now is “Should visible tattoos be allowed in the work place or nah?” I’m absolutely not against tattoos, but I think it’s not elegant if they can be seen while working… or… there are exceptions as well, for example it’s not a problem if you can see a bartender’s tattoos. But if I can see tattoos an a manager’s arm… in my opinion it’s not elegant. The second topic is “Is The Bachelor show a good idea or nah?” This ABC’s show may be every teenage heartthrob’s obsession, but what we really want to know is- is this really even ethical? At last, but least we are recommending to dispute the issue of “Are Internet and social media privacy essential or nah?” I think everyone thinks that privacy is important, not only in the social media, but every each of part of our lives.
For any further useful information, read Insider Monkey’s article about 17 controversial debate topics for teenagers.