Which are the Best States For Pediatricians? If you happen to be a pediatrician and are on the lookout to moving to a different country, then have a peep into our list of the best states for pediatricians. Pediatricians are doctors who treat children’s diseases. The profession, by its very nature, requires immense patience and a kind attitude toward the toddlers and children. The pediatrician’s level of communication skill also helps and soothes the children. Since babies cannot diagnose their illness properly except showing discomfiture of a stomach ache or just crying nonstop, and unable to communicate the exact nature of their discomfiture, the role of the pediatrician comes into play. I am reminded of my pediatrician and I feel that he is still treating the kids by showing immense kindness and giving those lollipops etc. to put the children as well as their parents at ease.
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If you are studying to be a doctor and still have not decided the medical field which you want to practice, you can look into the list of our best states for obstetricians and gynecologists. It is not at all easy to choose the state where you want to practice as the attitudes of people differs from person to person. We have collected the list after gathering information from the Bureau of Labor Statistics as to the average mean wage and the number of employees in each state. We then took into account the cost of index from Missouri Economic Research And Information Center to sort out and prepare the list.
Now let’s take a look at the best states for pediatricians. Montana, Indiana, Wyoming, and Arkansas are some of the good states where practice can be done. In Montana, the cost of living index is 100.8 and the average mean wage is $244,940. The hourly mean wage is $117.75. It has a total strength of 60 employees. In Indiana, with 500 employees they have a cost of living index of 87.9.The annual average mean wage is $207,440 and it has an hourly mean average of $99.73. Wyoming employs 40 employees. The cost of living index is 91.7 and the annual mean wage comes to $208,370 working out to a mean hourly wage of $100.17. While Arkansas shows a cost of living index of 88.5 with an annual mean wage of $188,140, the hourly average wage comes to $90.45 with a strength of 130 employees.