7 Best Cigarettes Brands in India

Insider Monkey recently published an article in which we can find lots of interesting things about best cigarettes brands in India. Have you ever been to India? Are you planning to go there and you are a smoker? Now, it’s a good chance to be familiar with brands in India.

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As for me, I tried cigarette when I was five, I think. My elder brother encouraged me, and we smoked from our father’s cigarettes. It was horrible. I coughed, my eyes were in tears. Smoking can cause lung cancer, and many other serious and fatal diseases.  In addition, their advertising has decreased compared to previous years, as well as the sales rate, according to Federal Trade Commission Cigarettes Report from 2013. However, even though the public is well introduced with anti-smoking campaigns and movements, there are still a big number of smokers all over the world. I am afraid I smoke, too. It is very interesting because I began smoking only three years ago. I smoke menthol flavored cigarettes, which is eventually the most popular flavor. But what about smoking in India?

If we have a look at India’s history we can see that smoking was used for medical purposes at first. It was prescribed in Ayurveda, which is a collection of alternative practices and therapies in medicine. Smoking cannabis was thought to calm anxiety and stress, and they used cannabis for it for more than 3000 years. But nowadays India is not an exception: smoking has been prohibited in public places since 2008. According to WHO there is a big difference between smoking habits considering women and men. About 47.9% of men smoke some kind of tobacco, while this number is only 20.3% regarding to women.

We have picked two brands from Insider Monkey’s list for now: Navy Cut, and Lucky Strike. The price of a packet Navy Cut is Rs 100 = $1.54. The cheapest cigarette brand in our selection is Navy Cut. It was the first brand in India that used filters. Its reach on the market was developing slowly, as they had to convince the public that they are as good as the ones without the filter. Besides that, they were also pioneers in bringing limited edition packages, which was a good marketing trick to boost the selling rate. The next one Lucky Strike, and I think everybody knows this brand throughout the whole world. Its price is Rs 110 = $1.69. These cigarettes are famous for using roasted tobacco rather than the one dried in the sun, which gives them full flavor and special taste. Among many kinds, such as menthol and other flavors, preferred ones are regular. They have been mostly favored by women smokers.

Keep reading through the whole article about 7 best cigarettes brands in India.


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