What are the Happiest Highest Job Satisfaction Nursing Specialties? Having a job that you love and one which satisfies you will definitely leave you happy at the end of the day. Nowadays, job satisfaction plays an equal role to that of the salary while considering a job opportunity. If you are a nurse, things will be especially hard for you as you’ll be dealing with sick patients throughout. If you’re a student studying to be a nurse, you should go through this list of the Happiest Highest Job Satisfaction Nursing Specialties. Nurses have to look after those who are not well. It’s a satisfying and selfless job. They are responsible for many things such as checking up on the patients, setting up the IVs, giving the patients their medicines on time, and giving them comfort.
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We obtained information from a survey that was conducted by the nurses by an institution of healthcare professionals and a staffing service, AMN Healthcare. The survey talks about many important things of the nursing industry. We have created this list keeping in mind how important job satisfaction is, as otherwise, one will not enjoy their job. Those who like the work they do, naturally are more productive than those who do are not happy with their work life.
Some of the Happiest Highest Job Satisfaction Nursing Specialties are being a School Nurse, an Education Specialist, or working on Case Management. Percentage of satisfied employees as a School Nurse is 96%. They generally work in schools and take care of the children studying there. They also are off in the summer. Who wouldn’t love this job?! The Percentage of satisfied employees in an Education Specialist job is about 95%. They work with the nurses and supervise the nurses in a hospital and provide training and assistance to the nurses. They are teachers and managers rather than nurses who deal with the patients. Though they are excellent nurses themselves, they concentrate on developing the other nurses. Those who deal with case management have a satisfaction rate of 93%. They are usually assigned to those patients who require medical care for a long term. They are responsible for coordinating the treatments and maintain schedules for the same. Most of the patients they are assigned to suffer from HIV/AIDS or cancer. To know more, you can check out the entire article on the Happiest Highest Job Satisfaction Nursing Specialties.