8 Most Expensive Van Gogh Paintings

Would you like to know more about the most expensive Van Gogh Paintings? Then I really  recommend to read Insider Monkey’s article has been lately published. “There may be a great fire in our soul, yet no one ever comes to warm himself at it, and the passers-by see only a wisp of smoke.” – Vincent van Gogh. This world-renowned painter, who created many masterpieces, providing the world with one of the greatest gifts – the gift of true art, never dreamed during his lifetime that his paintings would end up being among the most expensive paintings in the world. And how could he? His life was a constant battle for survival and the only thing that kept him alive was his art.

Pixabay/Public Domain

Most of the people are fairly familiar with Van Gogh’s tragic story, and he is most often exemplified as that of an artist who gained recognition only after his death. A story that provides a great comfort to many lonely artists, who struggle to find their path in life, never giving up on their ideas and talents, having the faith of being just another person ahead of their time.

One must wonder – did Van Gogh’s tragic life story had an influence on his acceptance that came soon after he took his last breath? And if so, does that mean that people really needed an interpretation of his art, a portrait of the artist in order to understand the beauty of his colors? If his story never came to the public eye, would his paintings now be rotting away in some basement, never recognized, left to die, tragically as the artist? Who knows.

Now without a further ado let’s see what Insider Monkey has investigated for us. We have picked one paingings from their list. This painting is Les Alyscamps. It was sold for $66 million (original price at the time $66.3 million).  Van Gogh painted it in 1888.  We’ll  start with maybe one of the lesser known pieces by Van Gogh, named Les Alyscamps, which actually represents a pair of paintings. Back in 2003, one of the paintings from this series was sold for $11.77 million, but, another one, auctioned in May last year, reached an amazing $66 million. The picture depicts the beauty of the autumn colors of poplars in the Alyscamps,  an ancient Roman necropolis in Arles, aligned with stone sarcophagi. What is interesting about this painting is that it was created during the period when Van Gogh worked together with Paul Gauguin, who also has created his version of Les Alyscamps.

For any further interesting information read Insider Monkey’s article about 8 most expensive Van Gogh Paintings.

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