Whenever you plan to invest your savings, it is good to consult a financial advisory specialist as you will get a good idea about the market situation as well as the ongoing invest trends in the market. As various industries have witnessed slowdown or a complete halt, financial advisory firms are also experiencing slow business. One reason could be joblessness because in the US alone, hundreds and thousands of people have been terminated from their jobs. Once the global economy rebounds, people will get jobs and they will be able to save some money. As a result of this, they will need a financial advisor for consultation about the savings which they might invest. Another aspect of financial advisory firms is that they are not so popular among people because they target the elite and rich only for consultation and investments. People are not aware about these firms either because the investment decisions are mostly taken by their parents or spouse. Things are likely to improve once global economic activities gain momentum. In this article you will learn about Best Financial Advisory Firms Stocks To Buy for 2021 as shared by Insider Monkey on Yahoo.
One of the best financial advisory firms is Goldman Sachs Group Inc. The firm is headquartered in New York City and its deals in the areas of securities, investment management, brokerage, asset management and securities underwriting services. The company is also engaged in the areas of private wealth management consultation services. During the fourth quarter of the previous year, the revenue of the company increased by 18%. At present, a total of 70 hedge funds own stacks in Goldman Sachs Group. The total investment in the company amounts to $652.86 million. Another company is Wells Fargo & Co. According to Argosy Investor, “Most of us are familiar with Wells Fargo, they are one of the top 5 banks in the U.S. with nearly $2 trillion in assets. The last 5 years have not been good to Wells. They are on their 3rd CEO during that time, and the current one stays in New York City despite headquarters being in San Francisco. Not that long ago, Wells Fargo was the most admired large bank on Wall Street, with the highest valuation and glowing reviews about its low cost of funds driving sustainably high returns on equity. Now, it has the lowest valuation on Wall Street and no one talks about the good old days with Wells.”