Cannibalism Today: 13 Real Life Cannibal Tribes, Families in India and Around the World

What is Cannibalism Today: Real Life Cannibal Tribes, Families in India and Around the World? If you love shocking non-fictional stories, we guarantee that you are going to find this article on “What is Cannibalism Today: 13 Real Life Cannibal Tribes, Families in India and Around the World” very entertaining. We usually associate cannibalism with the bygone era, not being aware that cannibalism has a presence even today across the world. We live in denial – It could be that we find the idea of tasting human flesh and blood gross or just the fact that we kill humans with the intent of consuming them.

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In this list, you’ll find the cannibals living in the 21st century. Not only tribes are included in this list, but also individuals. If you are really interested, you can dig deeper and you’ll come across an astonishing number of cannibalism cases in the recent past. We obtained information from many websites, such as Wherever Worker, Urban Ghosts, AOL, and NBC News. These incidents snatched our sleep away and the bold manner of these cannibals who actually came forward to proudly proclaim their deed! We have tried to make this article as less graphic as possible and to leave the disgusting bits or cover it sensitively. But with such a thing as cannibalism, there’s just no thing as sensitivity. Read on to know about Cannibalism Today: 13 Real Life Cannibal Tribes, Families in India and Around the World.

The Naihehe Caves People, Aghori Monks, and Omaima Nelson Case are some of the cases you might want to read about.The Naihehe Caves People live in Fiji Islands. They have been associated with cannibalism from quite a long time now. These caves are where the last of the cannibals live today. It’s been given this vibe more for the tourist attraction than their atrocities. The Indian Aghori monks worship Lord Shiva. They believe they need to consume human flesh in order to get enlightenment as eating this is just a stepping stone to achieving the inner light. They live in Varanasi in India and live near the cemeteries. They eat the human flesh and drink from a human skull. They generally do not kill people. They consume those who are already dead. They also believe they need to consume marijuana and alcohol to get enlightenment along with meditating. Omaima Nelson was an Egyptian born model living in California who killed her husband and cooked him on Sundays. We did warn you, didn’t we?

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