Which are the countries that get the most foreign aid from US? Insider Monkey has recently published an interesting article about it. Most frequent type of foreign aid includes giving financial aid and goods. Bilateral aid is aid given by the U.S. government directly to another country with a purpose of promoting economic progress and stability in developing countries. Humanitarian assistance is directed toward addressing emergencies such as natural disasters or problems resulting from conflict zones. Another type of foreign aid includes military aid which enables U.S. allies to acquire American military equipment and training. You might be surprised when you see which countries receive most military aid from the U.S. This is usually the aspect which many people question.
Now without a further ado let’s see what Insider Monkey has investigated for us. We have picked three of the countries that get the most foreign aid from US from their list.
The first one is South Sudan. U.S. government’s prime focus in South Sudan is mitigating devastating costs of war, especially assisting marginalized populations. The USA is the largest foreign aid donor to South Sudan with the majority of funds dedicated to peace and security, education, social services, and health. The second country on our list is The Democratic Republic of Congo that is experiencing insecurity in various fields. In June 2017 it was estimated that around 7.7 million people experience acute food insecurity and are constantly exposed to various diseases. Due to its size, location and role in the Great Lakes of Africa, this country holds a strategic priority to the United States, and it comes as a no surprise that the U.S. is providing support to it. The majority of U.S. foreign aid in Congo, 67% to be exact, is directed towards improving health aspect, especially fighting HIV/AIDS and malaria. At last, but not least we are mentioning Tanzania that is one of the fastest-growing African countries with GDP growth of almost 7% annually. Widespread poverty still persists and more than 46% of Tanzania’s population lives with under $1,90 per day. Tanzania is a favored recipient of financial aid, and the U.S. government is Tanzania’s largest bilateral donor.