Where can we find the countries with the largest middle class population in the world? Do read Insider Monkey’s latest article to get the answers. Middle class represents a class of people which belong in between the working class and the upper class in socio-economic terms.
Now without a further ado let’s see what Insider Monkey has investigated for us. We have picked three countries with the largest middle class population in the world from their list.
The first one is Brazil. The middle class in Brazil is rapidly rising, being among the countries with the largest middle population in the world. That happened due to government’s efforts to reduce poverty by pension reforms and different approach to foreign trades for example. And it seems those have shown to be the good moves for Brazil. The second country should be Australia. Australia has the largest percentage of the middle class, and with 66.1% it is among the top countries with the largest middle class population in the world by percentage. Anyway, it seems that Australia’s middle class is shrinking which is the trend seen in the most of the western society nowadays. For the next one we are mentioning Mexico. Status of the middle class in Mexico, the number 12 on our list of top countries with the largest middle class population in the world is on the rise, and about 3.8 million households are expected to switch to middle class status by 2030. That is because of Mexico’s government efforts to make income inequalities lower, and it seems it is on a good way. At last, but not least here’s Korea. Despite the fact that middle class is on the rise in Asia, that is not the case with Korea. The situation here is getting somewhat worse because the shrinkage was caused by people who fell lower to the lower class: low-income in 2015 represented 14.3% of the population compared to 1990 when it was 7.6%.
For any further useful information, read Insider Monkey’s article about top 15 countries with the largest middle class population in the world.