Which part of America is the most influenced by venomous snakes? Not so long ago, Insider Monkey created a list dedicated to 10 states with the most venomous snakes in America, which we are now going to use as a primary resource for our article.
According to our research, America is not the No.1 country inhabited by snakes, especially the venomous ones. The country that has the biggest struggle with these dangerous creatures is still Australia, but, unfortunately for the American citizens, America is also threatening to get close to the same number of different venomous snake species.
Until today, zoologists have discovered about 150 different snake species and 20 species out of these are venomous. Of course, the danger of them mostly varies of the kind of snake species living in some area. According to our research, the most dangerous snakes in America are Tiger rattlesnakes with LD50 of 0.06. For the ones who aren’t familiar with this term, LD50 is the median lethal dose or the value of the venom. It was determined by injecting the poison of each snake species into laboratory mice and counting the time the poison completely kill them. It obviously is cruel, but it gave us the better insight in the danger of each species separately. The lower the LD50 was, the more dangerous snake bite was. This way, scientists managed to rank the 20 most venomous snakes in the world. This way we managed to track down the most venomous snake in the world and that is Inland Taipan with the LD50 of only 0.025, that inhabits deserts and semi-arid areas of Australia. But, since we are today covering only the venomous species that inhabit America, we will skip the Inland Taipan and leave it for some other topic.
As I was saying, or writing, America is a homeland of 20 different venomous snake species that can all be separated into 4 different categories: rattlesnakes, that count 16 different species and subspecies, coral snakes with 2 (sub)species and cottonmouths and copperheads both counting for one snake species.
So, Insider Monkey found the best and most obvious way for ranking and that’s by ranking 10 states according to the number of different venomous snake species inhabiting the area and the results actually came out a bit creepy. Out of 10, only two states countdown less than 10 venomous snakes, while 4 others count 10, which is already half of the whole venomous snake’s species society. The most intriguing 10, only two states countdown less than 10 venomous snakes, while 4 others count 10, which is already half of the whole venomous snake’s species society. The most intriguing was the state that took the first place with no less than 19 out of 20 different venomous species.
If this wasn’t enough for you, which we really believe that isn’t, let’s visit Insider Monkey for the full report about 10 states with the most venomous snakes in America.