10 Countries With The Highest Youth Suicide Rates In The World

Do you know more about 10 countries with the highest youth suicide rates in the world? People will often say that anyone who commits suicide is incredibly selfish, as they are not only throwing their life away but they are also causing great grief to their families and friends. But, in most cases, nobody knows why somebody committed suicide.

Suicide involves acts by which a person takes his life away from himself, guided by a desire to kill himself, and conscious of the consequences of his decision. It implies, therefore, that the perpetrator was a healthy psyche, calculated according to the legal concept of accountability, that is, he understands the significance of his act and government by his actions.
Statistics, however, indicate that the highest percentage of suicides is made by people with some serious mental disorder, individuals in the terminal phase of illness and addicts – especially alcoholics. Suicide attempts are more common in younger women, but older men are more successful. In the war, the number of suicides is falling, and in times of internal crises, it is growing. It is more often among people who come from disadvantaged families.Did you know that Lithuania is one of the countries with the highest youth suicide rates in the world? The country has a very high suicide rate and in 2009 was ranked on the top of the global rate for this category. Ecuador is also one of the countries with the highest youth suicide rates in the world. Suicide per capita in the country is 175.15 per 10,000,000 people. Many people respond to suicidal ideas in crisis situations, and they can pass years to avoid them, or use suicidal intentions to draw attention to the environment. However, for every suicidal tendency, it is necessary to pay attention in time. Suicide prevention, therefore, occupies an important place in medical and social services. Through human history, suicide is understood and accepted in different ways, depending on the epoch, human groups, cultures, and religions. In ancient Rome, this act is considered courage and in Japan the honorable way of death for the knightly generations. Suicide is also happening through history as a religious rite. The suicide of a woman at the funeral of her husband, in Alaska, but also a heroic and patriotic act, such as the suicide of a samurai, a kamikaze or a large army officer after losing battles, because they thought that death was better than slavery when confronted with capture.

If you want to read the rest of the article, check Insider’s Monkey list of 10 Countries With The Highest Youth Suicide Rates In The World.

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