If you are an engineer you will be surely happy to read about the most advanced countries in engineering. Insider Monkey has recently published an interesting article about this topic. It is a widely held belief that the reason the US was able to utterly and completely dominate the world market in the 20th century was due to the development of the engineering courses taught at various universities throughout the United States of America. Engineering combines the theoretical part of science with the practical and hence, is a proper demonstration of innovation and thus, integral to innovation as well.While the United States was absolutely dominant in engineering in the 20th century, that position may now be in threat, as developments in technology may no longer make the US the holy grail for engineers. Instead, European nations have become dream destinations for engineers as well, while in Asia, China’s bustling economy has led to a huge demand in engineers.
Now without a further ado let’s see what Insider Monkey has investigated for us. We have picked two countries from their list.
The first country is South Korea. Let’s see its numbers: numbers of papers published is 32,331, ranking according to number of papers published is 9; number of citations made are 114,232, ranking according to number of citations made is 10. South Korea has been one of the surprise packages of Asia. In a matter of decades, the nation has become technologically advanced and has taken the engineering industry by storm. Now, a person is five times more likely to major in engineering here, as opposed to a person in the United States. In fact, South Korea’s education system is designed specifically to encourage students to enter engineering, which they very often do. Teh second and last country is Taiwan. What are the numbers? Lets’ check: numbers of papers published is 28,951; ranking according to number of papers published is 10. Number of citations made is 118,972, ranking according to number of citations made is 9. Taiwan is another Asian country which has improved by leaps and bound in recent decades, and now, has a large number of universities which offer a variety of degrees in different fields of engineering. However, despite these developments, Taiwan has actually seen profits going down, as it has faced struggles in innovation, and competition has increased due to the entry of China and Vietnam.
For any further interesting information read Insider Monkey’s article about 10 most advanced countries in engineering.