A study shows that 16% of the total American population such that around 27 million individuals in America are operating their businesses. The Billionaire census 2019 shows that the percentage of self-made billionaires in the United States is around 62%. Most of the popular influential entrepreneurs have started their firms when they were in high school, these names include Nathan Blecharczyk, Bill Gates, and Warren Buffet. The richest American entrepreneurs as shown by Forbes around 85% have started their companies at the age of 40. Every one of them had gone through hard work and resistance and not everyone has started a business at an early age. Some influential American entrepreneurs have been awarded more than one and 12 of them are popular on social media. Economic growth has been experienced by most of the entrepreneurs in this list despite the pandemic situation. The Institute of Policy Studies, States that during pandemic almost $4 trillion increase has been seen in most of the entrepreneurs and billionaires’ wealth in America. Keep reading till the end and you will learn about Top 5 American Entrepreneurs as shared by Insider Monkey.
Microsoft Corporation has been founded by Bill Gates and his childhood friend Paul Allen. MS-DOCS operating system has been created by the company in 1980 which operated the first Microcomputer manufactured by IBM. This operating system was leading the market and used in every PC. Chronicle of philanthropy shows that $45.5 billion donations have been provided by Bill and Melinda Gates to charity. $589 million were donated by Gates alone in 2019. Microsoft Office was another successful product Microsoft produced in 1990 and is still popular. Microsoft has recently partnered with Volkswagen to produce a Cloud-based Automated Driving platform on Microsoft Azure. The biggest private charitable organization in the world is the Bill $ Melinda Foundation. $40 billion has been donated by this foundation for global education, and health purposes. The President Medal of Freedom was awarded to him in 2016. Tesla Inc. and the founder of SpaceX and PayPal is Elon Musk. Among the list of most influential American entrepreneurs, he is on 2nd number. The online financial firm Peter Thiel and PayPal are also co-founded by him. SpaceX company which manufactures reasonable rockets have been founded by him in 2002. In the space technology field, the company has made various innovations. Since 2004 the largest funder of Tesla which is electric card producer is Musk. He became CEO of Tesla after he helped the company to produce its first car. The market capitalization of the company increased to $800 billion with the firm’s Q2 2020 earnings. Forbes included him in America’s Most Powerful CEOs under 40 in 2011. This article 12 Most Influential Entrepreneurs in America has more information about other businessmen.