If you are a special education teacher you will probably be happy to read about the best blogs for special education teachers. It’s always very hard to teach children with special needs, but it’s one of the best things ever. Now Insider Monkey has recently published an interesting article about this topic. Reading these blogs pays off, because you can get lots of ideas from there, and you can share your experiences with other teachers.
Some of them even care enough to document their experiences online for other special ed teachers to learn from, and you’ll find some of those resources on this list. From big blogs with multiple contributors to personal ramblings of singular teachers, you can become acquainted with some of the hard-to-find special education blogs you’ve been looking for.
Now without a further ado let’s see what Insider Monkey has investigated for us. We have picked three blogs from their list for now, as usual.
The first one is Fun in ECSE. In case you’re inexperienced in the lingo of special education teachers, ECSE stands for Early Childhood Special Education, and this blog’s subtitle is “Teaching Tips and Ideas for Early Childhood Educators.” The second one is Teachers pay Teachers. Though it’s not specifically a special educator’s blog, this site makes a point in reaching out to all types of educators and provides great resources for them. At alst, but not least we are mentioning Speech Peeps. If you couldn’t guess from the title, this blog’s focus is speech therapy, and some of the recent posts include “One Item Therapy,” “Classroom Management Ideas for SLP” and “Feeling a Little Burnt Out? Read This.” Now you can see that there are really good blogs for special education teachers, you just sit in your armchair, and get informed about methods, experiences, great resources and so on. As for me, I took a look several of them, and I will read them regularly, as I am a special education teacher, too. Who knows? Perhaps we will meet once under a post somewhere.
For any further interesting information read Insider Monkey’s article about 10 best blogs for special education teachers