10 Best Cities for Chefs in 2017

What do you think the best cities for chefs in 2017 are? Are you a chef and you would like to know where to move for higher salary? Insider Monkey recently published an article in which we can find lots of interesting facts about his topic. Earning lots of money is a dream of everyone, I think. Salary is one of the first things that we ask when we go to job interview. Money is important but not everything. I must confess I like working and of course I like being paid for it. But earning more than we did previously depends on lots of things. We need to improve, learn something new in our field, for example a new database, a new language or new cuisines if you are a chef.  Anything that we can add to our list of skills. Those people who like cooking but not making a living of it could think that being a chef is easy. But it isn’t. Although it’s a very creative job, but you need to cope with speed, timing, hot, critics and so on.

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Chefs are really respected by other people – as we must admit we love eating. We appreciate a place where an excellent chef works. But the question is if you are satisfied with your workplace, or you would like to change, maybe you plan to move another country. Now you can check your possibilities with Insider Monkey.

The jobs were naturally ranked by the payments and cost of living. We have picked three countries from Insider Monkey’s list: Denver, Colorado; Austin, Texas; and San Francisco, California. The average annual salary in Denver is $54 013, the monthly cost of living without the rent is $906. The capital of Colorado is currently looking for 146 chefs! The ratio between annual average salary and the monthly cost of living is, however, the lowest on our list. The average annual salary in Austin is $51 067, the monthly cost of living without the rent is $842. This city in Texas offers 137 open positions for chefs. Even though it has the lowest salary on our list, its monthly expenses are not that big. It is considered to be one of the fastest growing large cities in the US. The average annual salary in San Francisco is $72 834, the monthly cost of living without the rent is $1108. This is the smallest county in California, however the only consolidated city-county. It is currently looking for 162 chefs. Cost of living is among the highest ones, which can be a little bit disappointing, but on the other hand, the salary is among the top ones on our list.

For any further useful tips, you should read Insider Monkey’s article about 10 best cities for chefs in 2017.


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