This article will bring you to the list of the best things to sell on Craigslist in 2018. Insider Monkey has recently published an interesting article about it giving you some advice. While some do have a negative opinion of Craigslist, this is largely due to the fact there is no security check so you never if people who listed an item are real. There are no limitations really when it comes to creating an account and listing an item; anyone can do it. So there is some risk involved when using this platform. Scam posts are not very uncommon on Craigslist just like with any other platform, so you should be cautious. On the other hand, people are wondering how to make money on Craigslist without selling anything, and we found a useful video on Insider Monkey’s list, you should check out if you find this topic interesting.
Now without a further ado let’s see what Insider Monkey has investigated for us. We have picked three of the best things to sell on Craigslist in 2018 from their list.
The first one is Games. Games are a great item to sell on Craigslist. From cardboard games like Monopoly and Scrabble to anything really. Instead of throwing your old or new games away, you can sell them relatively easily. The second item should be Bicycles. You can make a nice amount of money by selling bicycles on Craigslist. Bicycles are becoming increasingly popular lately as a large number of people is switching to cycling instead of driving to work. If you’ve got an old bicycle, you can get an even better price if you fix it a little bit. At last, but not least let’s check out the last idea – Sports Gear. From what we discovered sports gear sells well on Craigslist just as well as any other category listed above. Many people don’t want to pay the full price for new sports equipment; they will rather buy used gear which means you can sell your old helmets, ice skates, etc., and earn a few bucks.
For any further useful information, read Insider Monkey’s article about 10 best things to sell on Craigslist in 2018.