10 Easiest Countries To Find a Wife

Are you done being alone or, even worse, being matched by your relatives? In that case, check out 10 easiest countries to find a wife.

We all come to the point of our life where we decide to buy a house, have a family, and finally settle down. The problem is, this decision doesn’t only depend on us. If you want to buy a house, first of all, you need some money. And maybe it is better to find the person you will spend the rest of your life with before you take this step and then look for the house that fits you both. But finding that person seems to be the trickiest job. Why?

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The thing is, you can marry someone tonight. You can meet someone, get drunk, go to Vegas and get married, but what next? What if this person doesn’t fit you? What if it turns out the moment your hungover passes that this was the mistake and the person lying next to you is someone that you can’t stand?

The whole point of marriage is not the celebration and wedding photos. It is spending the rest of your life with the perfect someone. To wake up every morning and enjoy watching her sleeping. Enjoying the silence morning coffee and the warm breakfast looking for the excuse not to go to work so you can spend the day lying around with her, watching stupid shows, and loving each other. Marriage is looking at her after she gets up in the morning all messy, with red eyes, and speechless, and thinking ’She is perfect!’ And the best part of the marriage is getting ready for bed after your kids were already put down, and she puts her head on your chest and falls asleep like a little lamb. Marriage is about sharing secrets, about sharing memories, living the happiest moments, putting up with each other even when it’s the hardest. Especially when it’s the hardest. So how to find the perfect wife. Just go out there and she will pop up? Believe it or not, this is the easiest and most frequent way. As soon as you stop wandering and being over-obsessed, or just give up, your soulmate will turn up.

But, not everyone is looking for a true love. Some people just want to run away from their home and seek for the better life in some foreign country. As it turned out, the easiest way to do that is by finding someone that will marry you so you get the entrance to the country as its official resident. It is illegal, but who can stop you? To do that, they had to prove that your wife isn’t the woman of your dreams. But how can they count feelings? Impossible. But, as it turned out, most of these marriages end up as the happiest couples on Earth and even when they are able to get the divorce, they have already started their family and don’t want to leave each other. Like a freaky fairy tale. If you are one of those prices looking for the princesses with the green card opportunity, check out 10 easiest countries to find a wife.

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