Writing emails is an absolutely ordinary thing today, but the more we use online services, the more we give our personal datas over to the service providers (and to others). So there is high demand for providers who allow you to create email addresses without ID requirements. That’s why we have come up with a compilation of the 10 free email services without phone verification. Insider Monkey have made the great research for you, so you needn’t do anything else, but to read on!
Not so long ago, if you wanted to creat an email address, you just created it and that’s all. You didn’t have to give a phone number or other personal datas. You signed up and could use your email immediately. But recently you have to give your phone number (and other personal datas) which means your anonymity has disappeared. Many people think it’s not a big problem, but your datas can be sold for other sites on the internet. And what is true everybody has the right to privacy. In other words – if you want to stay anonymous you have the right to be, which is a wise decision, anyway.
But now, let’s check out together the compilation of the 10 free email services without phone verification!
10. Email on Deck
It’s the first email service on our list, and it will perfectly suit you, if you want to keep your personal datas for yourself – which is absolutely understandable!
9. Mailinator
Let’s read on the next email service without verification. If you choose this one, you will have a great @mailinator.com email address, and you don’t have to sign up for it, if you don’t want to. What’s more, you can take over emails that were created by others!
8. Mailnesia
It’s another mail service without phone verification, what’s more you can visit the links automatically , and you don’t need any registration or password details. It’s really a good choice if you want to be anonymous.
7. Tempin Box
Tempin Box is on the seventh place in this list. It’s one of the largest services that don’t make you verify yourself if you don’t want to.
6. Yandex
It’s a Dutch headquartered multinational technology company that services search engine, email, navigation, maps etc. It’s also the largest search engine in Russia, holding more than 65% of the market share. It’s initially free, but if you want larger storage or special features, you will have to pay.
5. OpenMailBox
We are half way on our list of the 10 free email services without phone verification. It’s completely free to use and naturally without any phone verification. But we must mention that in the beginning you will get only 5 GB of online storage capacity which isn’t a large one. However, if you tend to spend some money, you can increase this small capacity.
4. BulletMail
BulletMail allows you to stay completely anonymous if you want so. You can create an account without any security codes and verification. It’s simple, easy and user-friendly.
3. Mail.Com
It’s based in Germany, and owned by United Internet AG. It has an opportunity to customize email address, which means if your name is Ms Smith and you are a beautician, your email address reads “smith@beautician.com”.
2. Tutanota
Tutanota got the second place here, which is an open source, end to end encrypted email software. It means that your emails and their attachments are secure and encrypted. There’s no need or your phone number to have an account. As they have more than two million users, they are really one of the largest free email services.
1. Inbox.lv
The first entry is dedicated for Inbox.lv, which is a Latvian company and it’s primary prduct is providing a mai storage system. Its great advantage is to creating an email account without giving ID requirements or your phone number. It’s not only easy to use, but fast as well. We hope we could help you with this compilation of the 10 free email services without phone verification.