10 Largest Producers of Bauxite in The World: 2020 Rankings

Do you know who are the 10 largest producers of bauxite in the world? Well, follow us through this article and you will get to know them! We have brought Insider Monkey’s compilation again, which is an arresting collection of facts about bauxite producers. You won’t find the United States on this list now, as it has only 20,000 million tonnes of reserves, which is a trace amount comparing to the globel reserves of  30,000,000 million tonnes.

But if the United States were to have sufficient reserves, it wouldn’t be sure it would top the list, as America has a policy of outsourcing work. It’s much profitable for the US to get countries with lax labor laws to mine and extract the materials, and then to buy them from these countries with saving considerable amount of money. Consequently we can see the huge gap between the poor and wealthy people in the United States. The rich become richer and richer; while they destroy jobs and working possibilities with outsourcing jobs to other countries.

But before checking out the list, let’s see what bauxite is. It’s an aluminium ore – as a matter of fact it’s the most essential aluminium ore, and was discovered in France in the 19th century. Truly, bauxite is one of the most important materials. In the US, beuxite is the only raw material which is extensively used in alumina production.  5.1 million tonnes of bauxite were consumed in the United States in 2019, which showed 30% of increase comparing to the previous years.

And now, let’s see the  biggest producers of bauxite in the world in 2020!

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 10. Saudi Arabia

Bauxite production in 2018 (in thousand metric dry tonnes): 3,890

Bauxite production in 2019 (in thousand metric dry tonnes):  4,100

Pixabay/Public domain

9. Vietnam

Bauxite production in 2018 (in thousand metric dry tonnes): 4,100

Bauxite production in 2019 (in thousand metric dry tonnes):  4,500

8. Russia

Bauxite production in 2018 (in thousand metric dry tonnes): 5,650

Bauxite production in 2019 (in thousand metric dry tonnes):  5,400

Pixabay/Public domain

7. Jamaica

Bauxite production in 2018 (in thousand metric dry tonnes): 10,100

Bauxite production in 2019 (in thousand metric dry tonnes):  8,900

6. Indonesia

Bauxite production in 2018 (in thousand metric dry tonnes): 11,000

Bauxite production in 2019 (in thousand metric dry tonnes):  16,000

Pixabay/Public domain

5. India

Bauxite production in 2018 (in thousand metric dry tonnes): 23,000

Bauxite production in 2019 (in thousand metric dry tonnes):  26,000

4. Brazil

Bauxite production in 2018 (in thousand metric dry tonnes): 29,000

Bauxite production in 2019 (in thousand metric dry tonnes):  29,000

Pixabay/Public domai

3. Guinea

Bauxite production in 2018 (in thousand metric dry tonnes): 57,000

Bauxite production in 2019 (in thousand metric dry tonnes):  82,000

2. China

Bauxite production in 2018 (in thousand metric dry tonnes): 79,000

Bauxite production in 2019 (in thousand metric dry tonnes):  75,000

Pixabay/Public domain

1. Australia

Bauxite production in 2018 (in thousand metric dry tonnes): 86,400

Bauxite production in 2019 (in thousand metric dry tonnes):  100,000

Which country would be on the top of the largest producers of bauxite in the world: 2020 rankings if not Australia?

Pixabay/Public domain

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