10 Most Civilized Countries in Africa

Africa is an exotic continent and as for me it was great to read about the most civilized countries in Africa. Insider Monkey has recently published an article about this continent. What do we know about Africa? How do we regard it? There were people who came from that continent and who made a great impact on the world as we know it today. Mentioning Nelson Mandela would probably be enough, but I can’t resist mentioning some other names, such as Kofi Annan or Chinua Achebe.

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Now to cut a long story short, let’s see what Insider Monkey has investigated for us. We have picked three countries from their list.

Have you ever heard Cape Verde? To tell you the truth I am not bad at geography but I don’t know much about this country, almost nothing. While being on the 10th place among African countries, Cape Verde is actually at the 122ndplace in the world regarding HDI. The average life expectancy in this country is 73.5, while the average years spent in school are 13.5. Gross national income per capita expressed in dollars is 6,049, and following all of this, Cape Verde has a medium human development. The next country is South Africa now. Not surprisingly, South Africa is on this list, and all of the features that comprise HDI put it on the 119th place in the world. The average life expectancy in South Africa is 57.7, while the average years of education are 13, being a little less than the previous country. However, what makes it better ranked is actually GNI, which is $12,087.Egypt, good old Egypt…. It’s not surprising we can meet this country in Insider Monkey’s list. Egypt is at the 111th place in the world regarding HDI, and the average life expectancy in this country is 71.3. The number of schooling years is 13.1 and the gross national income per capita is $10,064. Are you curious about the other countries in the list?

Then interesting information read Insider Monkey’s article about 10 most civilized countries in Africa.

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