10 Worst, Poorest, and Most Dangerous Neighborhoods in New York City

Do you know what are the worst, poorest and most dangerous neighborhoods in New York City? New York City has been named one of the safest large cities in the world. But of course, there are areas that have crime, much like other cities.

New York City is a famous American metropolis and perhaps the most famous town in the whole world. The city is a financial, commercial, business and entertainment center of the United States, but also of the entire world. The United Nations Building is located in New York, so the city is a significant foreign political center. The city itself is divided into five major world renowned quarters: Manhattan, Queens, Bronx, Brooklyn, and Stayton Island. New York is a city where it is easy to see in one-day splendor, wealth, famous cultural sights on the one hand, and high poverty and crime on the other. These two sides of the medley are called New York; it is not easy to describe the words, so we recommend everyone to visit this great world metropolis. One of the poorest and most dangerous neighborhoods in New York City is East Harlem, Manhattan. While East Harlem has long had the reputation of being among the poorest neighborhoods in New York City, its place at the bottom of our list shows that the area is onto some significant improvements. Located where the sky-high buildings are, Chinatown is an up and coming neighborhood full of culture, but Chinatown is one of the most dangerous neighborhoods in New York City. The cost of living in Little Italy is a bit lower than most of the city, but the fact that households earn less than those places puts it on our list of poorest neighborhoods. Brooklin is also on the list as one of the most dangerous neighborhoods in New York City. Most of the buildings in this part of New York were built for social needs for people who do not receive income or accommodation. Therefore, the crime rate is at a high level. While other parts of New York have been recording crime reductions, this part of Brooklyn has been steadily increasing crime.

If you want to see what are the worst, poorest and most dangerous neighborhoods in New York City, check Insider’s Monkey list of 10 Worst, Poorest, and Most Dangerous Neighborhoods in New York City and find out more about this topic.

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