11 Best Debate Topics Related to Environment

Now let’s learn about the best debate topics related to environment. Insider Monkey has recently published an interesting article about this topic. Intelligent debates can make fresh a conversation with your friends. As for me, I like to chat about interesting questions, especially about environment.

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While some environmental issues often seem distant and irrelevant to our personal lives, they come a lot closer to home than most of us realize. Pumping gas is certainly something most people do on a regular basis. Even more in our face is the internet and the information age that surrounds it. Also, cleaning (both your body and your home). Hopefully, that’s something you often experience as well.

Now without a further ado let’s see what Insider Monkey has investigated for us. We have picked three debates  from their list.

The first interesting question is “Should the U.S. be burning or burying its trash?”Throwing our trash in the trash can doesn’t make it disappear, and it doesn’t mean we got rid of it. On the contrary, we don’t even know when it is and what happened with our waste, is it buried or is it burned? Many people have different opinions on this matter and if you haven’t thought about it, maybe now is the time. What’s the best solution  for our waste? Or the larger question: shouldn’t we have figured it out by now? The next question can be “Are environmentally friendly light bulbs really helping?” Environmental friendly light bulbs are supposed to do good for our planet Earth, and while many people believe they do, some people think they do more harm than good. You can expand your knowledge about how they can do more harm than good to our planet and decide for yourself whose side you will take. And the last question we have chosen is “Should gas prices be higher in order to encourage the purchase of energy efficient cars?” The seventh question on our list of the best debate topics related to environment raises an important point: Everyone can’t have a tiny car, so what about those who don’t?I think all question is exciting and burning nowadays. We do really have to take care of the Earth: this is our home, where we live!

For any further useful information read Insider Monkey’s article about 11 best debate topics related to environment


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