It is never too early to start discussing regular topics with a child, even while they are still in kindergarten, but the problem might occur while choosing the topic. If you don’t know what subject to choose for debates for toddlers, here is the suggestion for 11 fun debate topics for kindergarten.
Kindergarten students are too young to discuss some really serious issues such as world hunger or air pollution. I mean, the majority of them have never even heard of it and let alone think of it. These topics aren’t even for primary school students.
The whole point of topics is discussing some things that the both sides are interested in and having the arguments for sides, the advantages and disadvantages. This is why whenever you choose to start some debate among children, it is important to find something that is close to them, but they don’t have that many opportunities to argue for.
Although you can find a million of different things to entertain a child, the debates have to be included in each activity. This way, you teach a child to think with his own head, not only repeat what adults told them that is right or wrong, and you also teach them how to speak properly and stand behind their beliefs. But it is also important to help them realize that, when it comes to certain things, there are no right or wrong answers and that it is completely normal for other people to have a different opinion and they should respect them, but also require to be respected for their opinions and beliefs.
If you are a kindergarten teacher, you know how much kids like to draw, and we both know that you give them papers and crayons often so that you can finish something else. But instead of just making them sit and draw, try speaking with them before it. For example, one of the topics mentioned in this matter was what Disney princess they prefer. So that can be the start. Ask them the question and let them explain why they think that certain Disney princess is better than some other and let them think it through. After you are done, give them back their papers and let them draw themselves as that particular character.
It is very important to show to these kids that their opinion matters and that there is someone willing to hear them out. Now, let’s have a look at 11 fun debate topics for kindergarten.