12 Countries with the Lowest Rates of Heart and Coronary Disease in the World

Our health is one of the most important things in our lives, so it’s essential to preserve it – now we are here to show you an article about countries with the lowest rates of heart and coronary diseases in the world. Insider Monkey has recently published an interesting article about this topic. SEceral years ago I saw an interesting documentary on Tv about heart and coronary diseases. The question was why certain country have least rates of these dieases? It was  extremely edifying, since the result was not only to lead a helthy life, not to eat junk food and so… but one of the main reason was the families in these countries live very close to each other. I mean they frequently dine together, deal with each other, and in one word, they live in a close community. For example Italians who in the US and keep this old habit, are healthier than those who leave their families and move to a big city – and live alone. Interesting, right?

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Now without a further ado let’s see what Insider Monkey has investigated for us. We have picked three countries with the lowest rates of heart and coronary diseases in the world.

The first one can be Denmark. Denmark seems to be doing a great work in preventing heart and coronary diseases. A great decrease of deaths caused by these diseases has dropped as much as 70% in the period 1985-2009. That is by far the greatest decrease of heart diseases seen in whole Europe. It seems that the secret lies in the improvement in dietary practices, as Denmark has been the first country to band trans fats, which increase the risk of heart and coronary diseases. The second country should be Spain. Spain has 32.5% mortatilty rate caused by cardiovascular diseases. Also, even though being among European countries with the lowest heart and coronary disease rates, and many of these diseases decreasing (ischemic heart disease decreased by 16%, and stroke by 23% since 1990s) some cardiovascular diseases are on the rise even by 93%! At last, but not least we are mentioning Canada. Statistically, Canada is among the top countries with the lowest rates of heart and coronary disease in the world, but that fact should not be taken for granted, since the rates of heart diseases are on the growth especially in younger generations. Also, cardiovascular diseases connected to high cholesterol rates, obesity, high blood pressure and smoking are also more likely to happen among low-income groups of Canadians.

For any further useful information, read Insider Monkey’s article about 12  countries with the lowest rates of heart and coronary diseases in the world


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