13 Highest-Paying Part-Time or Side Jobs for Retired Firefighters

If you are a retired firefighter and would like to get a job, you are at the right place – read about the highest-paying part-time or side jobs for retired firefighters. Insider Monkey has recently published an interesting article about this topic. When you retire you really don’t need to sit in your armchair if you feel like doing something else, something new for you.      For example, you may have a hobby or a passion that you always neglected due to lack of time and many obligations that drained all the energy out of you. As a retiree, you can pursue your dreams and enjoy the gift of time.

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Now without a further ado let’s see what Insider Monkey has investigated for us. We have picked three of the highest-paying part-time or side jobs for retired firefighters.

The first idea is Start Your Own Business. If your pension is not enough or you’ve always wanted to have a business of your own, now is the time to do that. Start your own business and supplement your income. If you’ve always been passionate about certain thing such as photography, for example, why not take a course and turn that passion into a business? Or if you think selling something would be a good idea, you can consider buying specific products and selling them on eBay. It’s your choice. Since it is not easy to determine how much you can earn from your business, we ranked this suggestion last. The secon tip is Security. It is not rare that a retired firefighter will consider this suggestion as a way to earn some money upon retiring. If you find this to be an interesting idea besides the other from our list of highest-paying part-time or side jobs for retired firefighters, you should be able to find plenty of security jobs. The average hourly pay rate for a security guard is $11.07. At last, but not least you can consider being a Landscaper. If you don’t like being idle and you’d like a part-time job to fill the void, you can consider landscaping. It can be a seasonal job but you should be able to do it during the whole year if you like. If you enjoy working outdoors, this is a great way to earn some money on the side. The average salary for a landscaper is $12.29.

For any further useful information, read Insider Monkey’s article about 13 highest-paying part-time or side jobs for retired firefighters

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