What are the easiest, most relaxed and flexible medical specialties in America? Insider Monkey has come up with a great article regarding to this topic. Radiation oncology is often mentioned as one of the best medical specialties for mothers who want more free time to spend with their families. When it comes to specialties with best lifestyle dermatology will probably be one of the first suggestions you’ll hear but that is not the only medical specialty.
Now without a further ado let’s see what Insider Monkey has investigated for us. We have picked three of the easiest, most relaxed and flexible medical specialties in America from their list.
The first one is Radiation Oncology. Definitely one of the easiest and most relaxed medical specialties is radiation oncology, at least that’s what those who chose this specialty have to say. Of course, it doesn’t mean that it is easy to get into the program or even to work later, but compared to other specialties, it offers a more relaxed lifestyle. There is also more money in this field compared to others. The second specialty is Ophthalmology. According to many experiences we read about, one of the easiest, most relaxed medical specialties in America is certainly ophthalmology. Although you will probably not become rich or anything, it offers pretty great and flexible schedule leaving you plenty of time for your hobbies or your family. The third specialty should be Family Medicine. Family medicine is one of the best options for you if you what you are looking for are regular working hours and free weekends. Well, at least most family medicine specialists do minimal work on weekends so you get to have a relaxed lifestyle to some extent. At last, but not least here’s Pathology. According to experiences of med students and pathology specialists, pathology seems to be another slightly more laid back specialty. Supposedly hospital pathologists especially enjoy a relaxed lifestyle and low-stress jobs.