15 Most Diverse States in America in 2017

This article will bring you to the list of the most diverse states in America in 2017. Insider Monkey has recently published an interesting article about it. However, considering that many articles on the Internet already covered ethnic diversity topic, Insider Monkey chose to skip that. So, they did something more innovative and different. They started thinking, what else can be considered as the difference between the states? What are the most diverse states in 2017 and what are the least diverse states? According to the most of the research which counted American diversity by state, Hawaii was the most diverse one. Hawaii has a little over 1 million people. Nevertheless, it’s the synonym for diversity in every possible sense. How this state ranks on their list, you will see in the part that follows.

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Now without a further ado let’s see what Insider Monkey has investigated for us. We have picked four of the most diverse states in America in 2017 from their list.
The first one is Arkansas. In Arkansas, 72% of populations are whites, 15% are African-American, 7% Hispanic and 1% American Indian-Alaska natives. Moreover, there is 16.3% of people who are 25 years of age or older without a high school diploma. Percent of people with higher education is nonetheless, 20.1%. Finally, the number of religious denominations in this state is six. The next state is Nevada. In this state, 52% of the population are whites, which are followed with the Hispanic population with 27%, then African-American with 9% and finally, 8% of the Asian population. Its educational level is quite diverse as well. There is 15.4% of people without high school education and 22.4% of the population who have completed the bachelor’ degree. Besides that, there are 9 religious denominations.Missouri’s diversity index is 10. That means there is 12.4% of people who haven’t finished high school, while at the same time there is 26.2% who have completed bachelor’s degree. Nevertheless, as the diversity index also represents the difference in races, the statistic is following – there is 79% of whites, 11% of African-Americans, 4% of Hispanics and 2% of Asian people. Last but not least, the number of denominations is 7. Another very diverse state in the USA is Maine. This state has only 8.9% of people without high school diploma. On the other hand, it has 27.9% of people who have bachelor’s degree. Its race diversity is interesting as well. 92% of the population are the whites! Moreover, there is only 1% of African-Americans, and 2% are Hispanic. However, the number of religious denominations is 9 for this state.

For any further useful information, read Insider Monkey’s article about 15 most diverse states in America in 2017.

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