In 2018 Catriona Gray became Miss Universe and her inspiration made us gather 15 random beauty contest questions. She also competed for the title Miss World three years ago, in 2016, but she didn’t win, however she was in top five, and even announced as Beauty With A Purpose Winner. Two years later that she spent with very hard work, she won the beauty title. If you are planning to enroll a beauty contest, come with us and read Insider Monkey’s latest article about it. Not only do you need to work hard but you should get to know the pageant questions as well.
What do you need to be like if you want to win the contest? At first and naturally: beautiful. But that’s not enough, intelligence, compassion, generousity, nobility are also important. You can never know what kind of issue you will get, but what is sure, you will have to give the right answer. Your pageant questions may be hard to anwer, or they they just will be ordinary and easy ones. Nevertheless, in my opinion these latter ones are more difficult many times, because it’s not easy to give a simple, but yet witty answer, which hasn’t been said before. For example a question about your hobbies can be easy and hard also, since generally dull activities are named such as reading, walking, listening to music. It’s all right of course if you all these free time actvities, but you should find out something else. We will help you with these quesitions and answers now.
Now, without a further ado, let’s see our selection from Insider Monkey’s list of the 15 random beauty contest questions, try to be original and honest in your potential answers. What can we suggest? We can give you simple and yet difficult advice: be witty, brief and true!
15. If you had to send one contestant home, which state would you remove?
It’s tricky a little bit. You need to find some kind of true but diplomatic response, for example you don’t want to send anyone home, but you need to accept the rational reasons.
14. Where do you see yourself in the next 5 years?
It’s another typical question, but it is generally asked you at a job interview too, so it can’t be surprising. What are you going to do in the future?