Now let’s check out states with the highest rates of domestic violence in the US. Insider Monkey has recently published an interesting article about it. Domestic violence in the USA is harsh reality despite all the efforts. One in three women is killed by intimate partners, while with men the ratio is 1:20. On average, the domestic violence hotlines receive about 20,800 calls on the national level. Which state is the safest state in the United States would be a very difficult question to answer. The states we have on our list are so versatile it’s hard to say they have much in common. However, there is one criterion we have applied to give you domestic violence statistics by state. This is how our process went.
Now without a further ado let’s see what Insider Monkey has investigated for us. We have picked three states with the highest rates of domestic violence in the US from their list.
The first one is Montana. Between 2000 and 2013 there were 112 fatalities as a direct consequence of domestic violence by intimate partners. In addition, possession of guns increases the likelihood of death by 500%. As an illustration of the situation in Montana, we can take a look at the fact that 238 domestic violence victims looked for shelter on one day in 2014. Almost half of them were children. The second state on our short list should be Maine now. Domestic violence charge can lead to 364 days in prison, or even more (5 years). It all depends on the consequences of the crime. By the way, the people involved don’t have to be living together for an act to qualify as domestic violence. At last, but not least we are mentioning Vermont. Shockingly, 51% of all the murders in a 16-year period were the cases of domestic violence. As we can see from a recent murder case, the scenario is similar to all the other abuse cases. Everything seems fine at the beginning, until the husband becomes more controlling, followed by wife losing touch with her friends and family, and becoming completely financially dependent. A lack of financial funds is one of the biggest reasons why so many families end up homeless.