15 States with Toughest Domestic Violence Laws

Which are the states with toughest domestic violence laws? Insider Monkey has recently published an interesting article about it. Even though usually a man is the one who is abusing a woman, there are many cases of domestic violence where a woman is a molester. However, this information are hard to get, as men could be ashamed of admitting it. It is not my intention to frighten you when it comes to your future marriage plans or professions, but I think it is very important to be aware of the issue, and also to know which are the ways to protect yourselves in case bad things happen. And there is still no better-invented protection than the state laws on domestic violence.

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Now without a further ado let’s see what Insider Monkey has investigated for us. We have picked three of the states with toughest domestic violence laws from their list.

The first one is Oregon. Law in Oregon includes in its definition of domestic violence emotional criteria as the assault, but says nothing about harassment or stalking, in contrast to the previous states. Moreover, the law requires mandatory arrest for the domestic violence and violation of restraining order. It has primary aggressor laws, as well. Its overall ranking is 41 out of 51 on the Report’s list. The second one is Iowa. In the definition of domestic violence in Iowa, there is nothing about emotionally based assault nor harassment, as it only includes stalking. However, the law requires mandatory arrest for the domestic violence as well as for the violation of restraining order. Its overall ranking is 41 out of 51 on the Report’s list. The last one for today should be New York. Definition of domestic violence includes both the harassment and stalking in the state of New York. Moreover, the law requires mandatory arrest for the domestic violence and violation of restraining order. It also has primary aggressor laws. Its overall ranking is 46 out of 51 on the Report’s list.

For any further useful information, read Insider Monkey’s article about 15 states with toughest domestic violence laws.

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