If you are planning to spend a wonderful time in USA in the most beautiful month of the winter season, keep reading about the best places to visit in USA in December. Insider Monkey recently published an article about this topic giving you some very useful tips. My absolutely favourite season is winter, and my most beloved holiday is Christmas. I love snow, colt weather, winter sports and everything around this wonderful season! I can hardly wait those amazing Christmas lights on the houses, the fragrance of honey bread and cakes, cookies.
You can find the wide range of ideas in Insider Moneky’s list, but as for me, the best ones are those that offer white Christmas! So what kind of place would like to visit? Beaches, cities with lots of sights, or mountains to ski on the white slopes under the blue sky?
Now without a further ado let’s see what Insider Monkey has investigated for us. We have picked three of the best places to visit in USA in December.
The first one on our is list New Orleans, LA. Holidays in New Orleans is as New Orleans as it can get. Don’t miss out the outdoor spectacles all December round – which are totally bearable considering how mild and warm the winters here are. Enjoy an outdoor movie screening down by the Riverwalk, watch the Santa parades, or bust out your Santa outfit and run with a bunch of other Papa Noels in the annual Running of the Santas. The second place to go is Charleston, SC. Everything that tourists love about Charleston gets an amazing holiday makeover in December, making everything look more magical, more picturesque than they normally are. Case in point: historical home tours that are grand the rest of the year get dressed up with tens of thousands of lights. Aside from the historical homes, there are many other lights parades and festivals across the city. At last, but not least let’s check my favourite place: Anchorage, AK. The great white outdoors of Anchorage is best enjoyed with the abundance of snow sports – from skiing to winter biking to snowshoeing – and enjoying unique ways of traveling including heli-skiing and dog sledding. The cityscape has its own offerings of shopping, ice skating, and even the usual holiday-themed performances.
For any further useful information, read Insider Monkey’s article about 16 best places to visit in USA in December.