Keep reading about fun debate topics for high school students. Insider Monkey has recently published an interesting article about it giving you some advice. When you engage in a debate, you have to research the topic and come up with argumentative answers. The speaking skills you acquire through debating are invaluable, but another benefit from participating in debates is the fact you learn how to work with your team. You share your ideas and thoughts, fighting for a common goal together. Try to bear these benefits in minds the next time when you have a chance to participate in a debate at school. You will definitely learn valuable skills and, you may have some fun, you never know especially if you pick an unusual, funny or controversial debate topic. When it comes to debating, many students avoid them as they are afraid of public speaking or fear that they won’t be good at it at all. But the key to becoming successful at debating is practice. It is not only relevant to come up with good content for your argument but to be able to express your thoughts and ideas in a clear and confident way so that others are convinced in what you are saying. Or at least to make them ask themselves whether they were wrong all along.
Now without a further ado let’s see what Insider Monkey has investigated for us. We have picked three fun debate topics for high school students from their list.
The first one is Staying Single or Getting Married? Relationships, relationships. Those that are married wish they were single while all that singles want is to find someone and get married. Confusing? Both have some benefits as well as some downsides so which decision is right? A very complex yet fun debate topic that could arouse some very interesting opinions. The next topic should be Does Technology Make us Lazy? There’s so much to say on this topic that there’s no doubt you’ll have fun debating. Is technology helping us or not? Have we become too lazy to go out and prefer to socialize on social networks instead? Clearly, there are a lot of interesting questions regarding this topic. At last, but not least there’s the delicious debate about Pancakes or Waffles? This is a perfect example of a fun debate topic, and it’s about our favorite things to eat for breakfast. We love both of these but which one is better? It can be quite a challenge to explain why one is better than the other and I’m sure you’ll share a laugh or two while doing it.
For any further useful information, read Insider Monkey’s article about 16 fun debate topics for high school students.