16 Highest Suicidal States in America in 2018

Statistics can be funny or exciting but statistics over suicide should be frightening but yet edifying, so let’s learn the list of the highest suicidal states in America in 2018. Insider Monkey has come up with their new compilation in this field. Everyone has hard times in their lives, periods when everything is going wrong, and you are totally incapable of changing anything. You are giving your best, but no one values your efforts, and you just go deep and deeper, stuck with different problems. We all have been through this – it is not easy, but it is part of human lives. You need to learn to live with it and find a way to overcome it. But, not every solution is the right one.

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Now without a further ado let’s see what Insider Monkey has investigated for us. We have picked three of highest suicidal states in America in 2018 from their list.

The first one is Oregon. The stats for Oregon are almost same for each year – 17.7 for 2017 and 17.8 for the previous two years. The average for Oregon is 17.7, enough for the 15th position and enough as a signal that something needs to be changed. The second state on this terrifying list should be West Virginia. It seems like 2016 stands out for this state with a suicidal rate of 19.3, as in 2015 and 2016 that rate was 17.4 and 17.5 accordingly. The average for this state is 18,06, which should be considered as a sign that something is wrong. The third state we are mentioning now is Colorado.  Unbelievable 19.8 citizens per 100.000 capita decided to commit a suicide, which is quite serious. That rank went from 19.5 in 2015, increased to 20.5 in 2016 and get down to 19.4 in 2017. There is an improvement, but that is not even close to enough. At last, but not least we bring you the stats of South Dakota. The suicide rate for this state varied through the years, but it’s constantly near the average of 20.3 suicides per 100.000 citizens. In 2015 that number was 20.4, in 2016 was 20.2 and it got to 20.5 in 2017. Without a doubt, South Dakota is one of the highest suicidal states in America.

For any further useful information, read Insider Monkey’s article about 16 highest suicidal states in America in 2018.

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