16 Jobs for 17 Year Olds in NYC

What are the jobs for 17 year-olds in NYC? If you are 17 and want to find a job in New York, you are not in an easy situtaion. But you don’t need to worry as Insider Monkey recently published an article about this topic giving you some very useful tips.

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If you’re interested in earning your own money and having more responsibilities, there is no better way to do so than by getting a job. Eventually, all of us must work and earn our bread at the end of the day. As long as you know how to manage it all, being a teen and having a job can be a rewarding experience, especially when you get to save the money you earn. As for me I really appreciate if a teenager tries to find a job as long as they keep on learning hard. Now you don’t have to search the possibilities just check Insider Monkey’s article.

We have picked three jobs for you from their list. Without a further ado let’s see the list. Being a car wash attendant means $8/hour as an average payment. New York City is full of cars, even though most people use public transit. Many of these cars need washing as this isn’t the cleanest city on earth. The car washing industry is booming, and there are many outlets that hire teens. They payment is not that high, however there is a high possibility of tips, if you do your job right. If you are a lifeguard you can earn $10/hour. If you are an avid swimmer and have the strength and certification required to pull someone out of the water, then this might be a good job opportunity for you. Although this is considered to be a seasonal job, if you are good at it, you can get yourself employed in an indoor pool. As a music teacher/tutor you can earn $20/hour. If you know how to play the guitar or perhaps the violin or any other musical instrument, you can definitely try teaching others. For this though, you need to have proper training. Otherwise, you will not be able to find good employment opportunities. If you are not that musical, ignore this entry and move on. Now you can see that you can make some earnings if you need  some aside your pocket money.

For any further useful tips read Insider Monkey’s article about 16 jobs for 17 year-olds in NYC

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