16 Most Brutal Ways People Were Sentenced To Death

Antiquity and the Middle Ages were not very much abundant with electricity or automatic rifles, and the death sentences were very brutal, but have you ever thought about what are the cruelest ways people were sentenced to death? If humanity put as much energy into other things as they do coming up with creative ways to kill people, we would probably be living on Mars by now.

Punishment and torture are sometimes the way in which an individual who committed a criminal act should be “corrected.” However, people have devised many ways to punish a person, and some of them have been indisputably inhuman. One of the most brutal ways people were sentenced to death was using a saw. Using a saw to kill people is often disputed by the historians, although stories about it are present in many cultures. Another one is crucifixion. The first execution, used by the Ancient Greeks and Romans, didn’t involve the actual cross. The wooden construction used was more in a T shape, and often a simple plank was used. Did you know that in English law, boiling was reserved for murderers who used poison to kill their victim? Throughout history, people have devised many ways to punish a person, and some of them have been indisputably inhuman and horrible. The death penalty is an almost eradicated form of sanctioning serious offenders. But there are parties like the United States, which today use murder as a punishment, and similar is being done in the countries of the Arab world, and in Asia and Africa. Antiquity and the Middle Ages did not abound with modern means, and they used different methods for the strictest sentence, but at least not more gentle than the present ones. The measure of one culture is surely its judicial system, and people have understood from the very beginning that they need a system of rules and penalties that will discipline “undesirable behavior.” In history, such sentences were often much more brutal than they did today and did not answer to the crime itself. The death penalty has evolved from the so-called. Blood feuds. Blood revenge was an unwritten rule in communities and tribes that lived a few thousand years ago. She allowed the relatives of the killed victim to avenge the perpetrator and his tribe. This often led to endless arguments between the tribes and even the extermination of entire tribal communities.

If you want to see more about most brutal ways people were sentenced to death and find out more about this article, check Insider’s Monkey list of 16 Most Brutal Ways People Were Sentenced To Death.  

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