16 Worst Countries for Human Trafficking in 2018

This article will bring you to the list of the worst countries for human trafficking in 2018. Insider Monkey has recently published an interesting article about it. There is no age limit – everyone’s suitable. Some victims are more prone to end up in prostitution, while others are recognized as the most suitable for forced labor. There are lots of forms in which a person is exploited without any mercy, and victims come from all walks of life. The ongoing wars have proved as real catalysts when it comes to human trafficking. Millions of refugees are migrating, and it is so easy to lose yourself in the chaos. Sadly, there is a huge number of children out there without a proper childhood, to put it mildly. Not only are they physically and sexually exploited in the previously mentioned ways, but for the little ones, there is a grave danger of becoming soldiers and being forced to kill other human beings.

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Now without a further ado let’s see what Insider Monkey has investigated for us. We have picked three of the worst countries for human trafficking in 2018 from their list.

The first one is Algeria. Primarily, Algeria is a transit country for human trafficking, though there it serves as a destination and source, too. Most victims are men and women, and the latter are more exploited as a labor force and forced into prostitution. The second one should be North Korea. Interestingly and shockingly, this country is the conspirator when it comes to human trafficking. The government is willingly trafficking its own people (children, women, and men) and sending them off to the nearby countries to work in labor camps or be sold into prostitution. At last, but not least, we are mentioning Venezuela. Usually known for its beautiful women, Venezuela is notorious as a trafficking country. Victims the Carribean, Asia, Africa and South America, are smuggled into the country, while its own female citizens are too often lured from poor provinces into the cities and towns where they end up as prostitutes.

For any further useful information, read Insider Monkey’s article about 16 worst countries for human trafficking in 2018.

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