Are you planning to go to a college and you would like to know more about the easiest good colleges to get into? Great! We are here to help you! Insider Monkey recently published an article about this topic giving us some very useful tips. It is very important to choose the best school for yourself, as it will influence the quality of education, your future career – and of course your overall educational experience. Therefore Insider Monkey created their list with those schools that are easy to get in but yet the quality of education is high.
Now without a further ado let’s see what Insider Monkey has investigated for us. We have picked three colleges from their list as usual.
The first college is the Northwestern University. The Northwestern University is located in Evanston, Illinois. Ranking 28th at a global level, Northwestern is composed of 12 schools and colleges, offering over 120 undergrad degrees and nearly 150 graduate and professional degrees, including chemistry, business, education, psychology, music, law, medicine, and engineering. The private university was established in 1851 and it hosts over 20,000 students every year. The second college is King’s College London. King’s College London was founded in 1829 by King George IV and the Duke of Wellington. Considered one of the top universities in the world, King’s College London ranks 23rd on the global chart we consulted. The University encompasses multiple faculties – arts and humanities, dental institute, life sciences and medicine, psychiatry, psychology and neuroscience, school of law, natural and mathematical sciences, nursing and midwifery, social science and public policy. The third college for today on our list is Carnegie Mellon University. The Carnegie Mellon University is one of the most famous study locations in the world. Founded in 1900 as the Carnegie Technical Schools, the University offers students the chance to learn from the best in several schools and colleges, such as the College of Engineering, the College of Fine Arts, the Dietrich College of Humanities and Social Sciences, the Heinz College of Information Systems and Public Policy, the Mellon College of Science, the School of Computer Science, and, lastly, the Tepper School of Business. The list of alumni includes 20 Nobel Prize Laureates, and 23 Turing Award winners, to name just a few. Andy Warhol also went to Carnegie Mellon, and so did Stephanie Kwolek, inventor of Kevlar, Charles Geschke, co-founder of Adobe Systems, and James Gosling, inventor of Java.
For any further useful information, read Insider Monkey’s article about 20 easiest good colleges to get into