This article will bring you to the list of the best true crime story documentaries on Netflix in 2017. Insider Monkey has recently published an interesting article about it giving you some advice. These documentaries depict actual, despicable crimes makes them extremely disturbing. Crime does not pay, but some people just do not seem to get that message. Horrible things sometimes happen to ordinary undeserving people, and this is the fact of life. The sooner we accept this fact the better, so that we can be prepared and learn to see red flags and avoid them as much as we can.
Now without a further ado let’s see what Insider Monkey has investigated for us. We have picked three of best true crime story documentaries on Netflix in 2017 from their list.
The first one is Interview with a Serial Killer. Arthur Shawcross daubed The Genesee River Killer talks to the interviewer from prison in this story. He casually talks about his despicable deeds and shares his view on life. If you ever wanted to listen to a serial killer’s most private thoughts, then this is the documentary for you. The next documentary on pur short list should be now H.H. Holmes: America’s First Serial Killer. Dubbed the first serial killer of America, H.H. Homes was a criminal mastermind. Every creepy horror movie involving a haunted house has taken influence from his infamous murder hotel that featured secret passageways, gas chambers, acid vats and all sorts of torture. The third documentary can be Killer Legends. A team of highly skilled researchers along with a film crew set out on a journey to discover the real stories behind the most popular urban legends. If you thought the urban legends were just a legend — think again. At éast, but not least we are mentioning Crips and Bloods: Made in America.Growing up in South Los Angeles as a young black American is not easy. Gang violence has taken countless lives for decades, and this is still very much a reality for many. You should take a look at this documentary, and you will be absolutely appalled what goes on just 6 miles away from Beverly Hills.
For any further useful information, read Insider Monkey’s article about 21 best true crime story documentaries on Netflix in 2017.