Lots of people are searching jobs that can be done from home, if you are one of them we serve you with a great compilation of part-time jobs for writers. Insider Monkey gives you some really good advice where to find them. First, you have to recognize your abilities, skills, and knowledge. Next, put on paper your expectations. While searching for a part-time job, you have to be persistent, patient, and above all hardworking. Also, confidence plays a great role. The success (read: money) doesn’t come overnight. Usually, the process of applying to any of writing jobs starts with (unsurprisingly) putting your writing skills to test. After completing your writing resume, where you should summarize your strengths, the next step is to create a portfolio to showcase your published work. In case you’re starting from scratch, a motivational letter is a way to go. The final step is to send in your job application or to finally get online by starting a blog or by creating a profile on one of the freelance platforms.
Now without a further ado let’s see what Insider Monkey has investigated for us. We have picked one of part-time jobs for writers from their list.
This one is creative writing job. So, if you want to get paid for creative writing, then mastering some basic creative writing techniques should be your first step. Although nobody expects you to be the next J.R.R.Tolkien, knowing how to properly use metaphors, personification, hyperbole, etc., in your writing is “a must.” You have to build your own writing style and to learn the basic narrative techniques. After all, you’re a storyteller. So, whether you are planning to write short stories, essays, novels or maybe screenplays, enroll in Coursera’s Creative Writing Specialization to gain a basic understanding of the subject, and then you can try your luck in finding a part time job in this field.
For any further useful information, read Insider Monkey’s article about 5 part-time jobs for writers.