Vegetarian lifestyle isn’t a new thing nowadays, so you can find cooking classes everywhere, but what are the best vegetarian cooking classes in NYC? You can find the answers Insider Monkey’s latest article now. New York is a city that never sleeps – so there are lots of opportunities for every kind of classes you can imagine. To appreciate the goodness of fresh herbs and vegetables, you do not have to become a complete vegetarian. After all, biologically speaking we were designed as omnivorous creatures. So all the meat lovers out there, we get you, but if you are only relying on meat then you guys are certainly missing out a lot. Personally I was a vegetarian when I was much younger, and I must confess I felt much better when I didn’t eat meat. Why do I consume meat now? Well, because I love it – that’s why. But I still have lots of veggie meals that I cook regularly.
In order to get the best classes, Insider Monkey has consulted the rich database at Class Curious. This site is always a great help if you want to search some excellent classes in any fields. Now without a further ado let’s see what Insider Monkey has investigated for us. We have picked two of the best vegetarian cooking classes in NYC from their list.
The first class is Southeast Asian Vegetarian Dinners at Haven’s Kitchen. Southeast Asia is home to about one-third of the world’s entire population. However, when it comes to cultural diversity and taste, despite being bunched up the countries in the region have vastly different philosophies. You will discover this when you take the Southeast Asian Vegetarian Dinners class offered by Haven’s Kitchen. Southeast Asia is famous for producing some of the most amazing vegetarian dishes that even a vegan can enjoy and approve. The next class is Vegetarian Suppers for Everyone at Home Cooking New York. Home Cooking New York claims, that if you prepare the dishes they are going to teach you in this class, then you will not miss the meat at all. Now that is a bold statement to make, even for a renowned institution like Home Cooking New York. Home Cooking New York has proven their worth over the years many times, the people who work there are passionate about food and they are extremely skilled at their jobs. We firmly believe that you can definitely acquire some amazing skills, if you choose to go for this class.