If you are focused on the inner you but you still want to have a partner to share your life with, there are 6 dating sites for introverts to find partners where you can’t go wrong.
First of all, let’s define what the introvert really is. According to every online dictionary, it is a person characterized by concern primarily with his or her own thoughts and feelings. This can but doesn’t have to mean that the person is isolating. It just means that that person is primarily focused on himself (or herself). But not physically, but psychologically.
Introverts are trying to reconnect with themselves. To try to discover their deepest feelings and thoughts and try to find their path and wishes by recreating some bond with their mind and soul. No, introverts are not hippies. No, introverts are not junkies. No, introverts are not mediation freaks. Although, mediation helps here a lot.
Besides, everyone should do this from time to time. We live in such a fast time that we started forgetting about ourselves. We have a hard time getting to know people among us and we don’t realize that we have an even harder time getting to know ourselves. Just think about it. When someone would ask you to say something about yourself but not related to your profession or family status, what would you say? If someone would ask you who you were, would you have some other answer than ’My name is…’?
The thing that we always say to our friends, especially the ones that just broke up their long relationships is to learn how to love themselves. This is easier say than done. This is the time when we realize that we have no idea who we are supposed to love. What are our qualities? How can we improve our well-being if we don’t know that? And there are more and more person nowadays who ask the same question.
While there are people who try to recover their soul by going out of the house as much as their financial situation allows them, there are people who try the different direction. They try to stay alone with their thoughts and feelings and try to get everything out of themselves and literally have a meaningful chat among themselves.
But this doesn’t mean that they don’t need someone to love. So here are 6 dating sites for introverts to find partners.