I think there’s no another controversial topic than the final punishment; therefore we have come up with this thrilling compilation form Insider Monkey, about the 6 states that allowed death penalty and had executions in 2019. Not so long ago death penalty was a commonly accepted punishment. What’s more, the first established death penalty was in 18th century BC in Babylon, it was used for 25 diferent crimes. The forms of death penalty were burning at the stake, hanging, beheading, and even boiling alive..! In the 1700s for instance somebody could easily be executed for just cutting down a tree.
But then times went on, and people began to realize that it would be more important to give the inmates a chance to change. In my home country the last execution was in 1988, it was a man, who committed the murder in 1986. The inmate noticed the victim in a pub. The victim had considerable amount of money on him, which the killer observed. He followed the victim and in the street he tortured the victim so much the he died on the spot. Then the killer broke into the victims house and robbed it. Finding too little what he found, the same night he broke into a petrol station and robbed that, too. Soon he was arrested and two years later he was hanged up.
In the United States, executions are still in practice, although many states have already abolished it. Now without a further ado, let’s have a look at the list of the 6 states that allowed death penalty and had executions in 2019.
6. South Dakota
South Dakota had one execution in 2019. Charles Rhine stabbed a witness to his burglary. His jurors thought that final punishment would be the best for him, because of sexual orientation, as he was thought to benefit with being amon men for a lifetime.
5. Florida
Florida got the fifth spot in our list now, as last year there were two executions here. One of the inmates was Gary Bowles, who killed 6 LMBT men. He was also knwon as I-95 killer, becuase he slew people along Interstate 95. The other man was Bobby Joe Long, who murdered one woman, although he killed at least 10 women within eight months’ time.
4. Tennessee
Three inmates were executed last year, there was Stephen West, who killed a 51 year old woman and her 15 year old daughter, Donnie Johnson who killed his wife, and Lee Hall who killed his ex-girlfriend in 1991. Tennessee is an exception, as here electrocution was used, while the other states used lethal injection.
3. Alabama
Three executions were put through in Alabama in 2019. Altogether almost 800 people have been executed so far, while still there are other 75 inmates awaiting for execution, so this number may grow in the future.
2. Georgia
There were three executions in Georgia last year, altogether 1,022 in its history, which gives the 5th position to this state. Lethal injection is used in Georgia to execute death penalty.
1. Texas
Unsurprisingly , Texas hits the list of the 6 states that allow death penalty and had executions in 2019, as there were 9 executions last year, which was almost the half of the total number. All the executed were men, three of them were balck, five were white, and there was one Latino, as well. Billie Coble was the most notorious of them as thirty years ago he killed three of his wife’s relatives, and he was 70 (he was the oldest man in Texas histor) when the death penalty was executed.