This article will bring you to the list of the easiest illegal drugs to make at home by using legal ingredients. Insider Monkey has recently published an interesting article about it – but this article doesn’t meant to give you advice by any means, it’s an arresting compilation instead. Whether you are just experimenting, trying to make street drugs, out of curiosity or making them for yourself, you will maybe find surprising how some usual ingredients and plants can be used. But having in mind the huge amount of time human civilization exists, we can only imagine how many experiments and failed tries have there been, mixing and trying out new things until good drugs were not gotten.
Now without a further ado let’s see what Insider Monkey has investigated for us. We have picked two of the easiest illegal drugs to make at home by using legal ingredients from their list.
The first one is Methamphetamine. Methamphetamine, or more popularly known as crystal meth, crank, speed, is one of the easiest illegal drugs to make at home by using legal ingredients. For making crystal meth you will be needing: diluted HCl (known as Muriatic acid), NaOH, diethyl ether, ephedrine and distilled water. The next and last illegal drug should be LSA. LSA is a similar drug to LSD; we can say it is a natural counterpart of LSD since they have very similar structure. LSA is a substance found and occurring naturally in plants, and LSD is exclusively artificial substance made in labs. SO this is yet another drug showing how much people have experimented with nature, and that also brings LSA to our list of easiest legal drugs to make at home by using legal ingredients. Although both LSA and LSD are psychedelic drugs, the effects of using them are different. LSA is somewhat less powerful than LSD, but the effects vary. For making LSA, you will need about 200 g of Morning glory seeds, wood alcohol, and petroleum ether.
For any further useful information, read Insider Monkey’s article about 7 easiest illegal drugs to make at home by using legal ingredients.