This article will bring you to the list of the easiest jewelry store credit cards to get. Insider Monkey has recently published an interesting article about it giving you some advice. Shopping for good jewelry can be very expensive, no matter how big your budget is. But you will be happy to know that many of the biggest and most famous jewelry chains offer credit cards to help their customers financially. It will at least make your purchase a little bit easier on your wallet for the time being. By now, you are probably wondering which shop is the easiest for jewelry card approval. For your information, there are some requirements to know first, to apply for a jewelry credit card. A decent credit score is needed for kay jewelers, and you’ll have to make Zales’ financing credit score to get their card.
Now without a further ado let’s see what Insider Monkey has investigated for us. We have picked two of the easiest jewelry store credit cards to get from their list.
The first one is The Jewelry Exchange. The Jewelry Exchange credit card has standard APR of 29.99%. The monthly payment is more than $25, and the late fees for this credit card are $37. There is no instant approval system. The purchase requirement is a minimum $500, which isn’t much when you’re looking at jewelry. You can apply for their card in-store or online with their 72-hour verification process. It is recommended to apply in person rather than online. The second one is Jared The Galleria of Jewelry. Jared “The Galleria of Jewelry’s” credit card has a standard APR of 17% to 24.99%. Their minimum monthly payment is 1/12th of the purchase. The late fee for this credit card is $37, and they have no annual fee and no card perks. This jewelry store also has an instant approval system, so you can start buying in little to no time. You can apply for your card in-store or online.