7 Easiest Mixed Drinks to Make with Vodka

This article will bring you to the list of the easiest mixed drinks to make with vodka. Insider Monkey has recently published an interesting article about it giving you some advice. One of the most popular drinks made with vodka is Mojito. There are variations to it, but this would be one of the easiest vodka mixers. However, that’s not good enough for our list! Where on Earth are you going to find fresh mint? Not every supermarket has it, and a Mojito isn’t a Mojito unless you’re nibbling those little leaves, is it? Also, one of the most demanded cocktails is Vodka Sunrise. Does that ring a bell? It’s similar to Tequila Sunrise, except that you use vodka. The recipe goes like this: 1 ounce of vodka, 5 ounces of orange juice and one shot of grenadine syrup. It’s said to be one of low-calorie vodka drinks, too, depending on the amount of vodka and syrup.

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Now without a further ado let’s see what Insider Monkey has investigated for us. We have picked three of easiest mixed drinks to make with vodka from their list.

The first one is Dirty Martini.  “Dirty martini – dirty bastard!” Yeah, Samantha was completely right, and this is the right choice for any girl party. If you have a shaker with ice, it will do nicely. Just mix vodka and olive juice, and pour it into a martini glass (again, it’s optional). The second drink on our short list should be Smirnoff and Cola. Is vodka and coke a drink? Of course it is! Actually, it’s a cocktail! Once again a “very complicated” drink in our list of 7 easiest mixed drinks to make with vodka. Fill a glass with ice, pour the vodka, pour the cola, decorate, and say: “Cheers”! At last, but not least we are mentioning you Vodka Red Bull. Daily Mail reports you are to become more aggressive and prone to trouble if you order this in a night-club. On the other hand, some researchers say it’s as harmful as any other alcoholic drink, but nothing else. While scientists are arguing about it, why don’t you make an experiment yourself? One of the suggestions is to pour the energy drink into a highball glass, and then drop a shot-glass of vodka into it!

For any further useful information, read Insider Monkey’s article about 7 easiest mixed drinks to make with vodka.

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